A call to action

The US are taking a key role in the negotiations. Lets make sure that they are taking the right one. Bring 1.5°C back on the table. Marina

Does Paris even care?

When walking through Paris, you have the impression that everybody is minding their own business. But in between Christmas decorations, tourists taking selfies and the still noticeable shock of the terrorist attacks, you suddenly spot it: a poster advocating a side event of the COP21. Then you become increasingly aware of more and more climate-related…

Time running out at Paris COP21

On search of the Polar Bear hooked on the end of an oil pipeline, I came across a remarkable natural sculpture: a clock ring of 12 icy lumps, monoliths of glacial ice counting up time. The work certainly intrigued the tourists. Children skipped delighted up to the glistening surfaces, the old and young absorbed by…

How can language be a barrier to achieve sustainability?

Imagínate que empiece el artículo así, en español. Oder vielleicht auch so, auf Deutsch. Mi pensa ke devus esti kiel. Non, c’est mieux comme ça, en français. Ma ho bisogno in italiano! Don’t worry, it will be in English. Probably you have understood two or three lines. Maybe all. But that’s not the same case…

Oil Watch Africa – Climate Action Zone

Today in the Climate Action Zone, The Centquatre, Paris, we met one of the speaker from Nigeria who gave an astonishing speech during UWC Robert World College’s Opening Ceremony last year, Nnimmo Bassey. He moderated a presentation that followed by interactive interview called ‘Oil Watch Africa’ related with the COP21 in Paris. For the first…

Without words #4 -Patricia Aguirre

Place to B serves as a hub bringing many interesting people with different perspectives together – united by their vision for a better world. We have interviewed some of them in our very unique way… Patricia Aguirre from Bolivia believes in “leadership with integrity for a sustainable world”. She is one of the organizers of…

Without words #3 – Pavlos Georgiadis

Place to B serves as a hub bringing many interesting people with different perspectives together – united by their vision for a better world. We have interviewed some of them in our very unique way… Pavlos Georgiadis is an ethnobotanist, climate tracker and agrifood author. He worked as a researcher in 11 countries in Europe,…

Without words #2 -Mark Lichty

Place to B serves as a hub bringing many interesting people with different perspectives together – united by their vision for a better world. We have interviewed some of them in our very unique way… Mark Lichty is executive producer of the Fracking-documentary “Groundswell rising – protecting our children´s air & water”. He was an…

Without words #1 – Alexis LeMetais

Place to B serves as a hub bringing many interesting people with different perspectives together – united by their vision for a better world. We have interviewed some of them in our very unique way… Alexis Le Metais, 26, is a volunteer at Place to B. He is a student of eco-innovation in Paris and…

Top-down vs. Bottom-up or: How to act against climate change?

As you are reading this post, you are probably aware that climate change is happening, that its repercussions threaten our world and that something urgently needs to be done. While a lot of people would agree on that, I doubt many would agree on the way to act and the means to save ourselves from…

The power of individuals

The world in general, and the western society in particular, has begun to follow real democratic policies, which allow the people to control themselves with a concept of power given to individuals, or what is called “agency”. We may think that most people are aware of that, but in reality we will find that there’s…